Global Warming ...
..Fact or Fiction ?
Ice core samples show that the
Earth has gone though many
changes over it's long history.
Europe has been through many
cycles of being very hot to very
cold. We now realize that these
changes were caused by the
North Atlantic current slowing
or stopping. The Mastodons in
Siberia were flash frozen into
an Ice Age. When these hairy
beasts were discovered ions
later, they still had vegetation
in their mouths. The discoverers
dogs were able to dine on the Mastodons with no ill effects. World wide
discoveries show a world that has always been in constant change.
Hot, cold, dry or too wet. The Earth has gone through many changes, long
Earth has gone though many
changes over it's long history.
Europe has been through many
cycles of being very hot to very
cold. We now realize that these
changes were caused by the
North Atlantic current slowing
or stopping. The Mastodons in
Siberia were flash frozen into
an Ice Age. When these hairy
beasts were discovered ions
later, they still had vegetation
in their mouths. The discoverers
dogs were able to dine on the Mastodons with no ill effects. World wide
discoveries show a world that has always been in constant change.
Hot, cold, dry or too wet. The Earth has gone through many changes, long
before humans were on the road with polluting cars or smog producing
factories. Yes,the evidence shows that there was a rise in carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere with the coming of the Industrial Age.
As stated, the earth has gone through many cycles in the past.
We are now in the beginning of one of these cycles or Earth changes.
This cycle is our "Buffalo Jump", with the one big difference.
This time in history WE are stampeding the buffalo as they thunder
over the edge of the cliff. Are we prepared for the mayhem and
carnage at the bottom ?
Someone said to me "interesting, but how do you know. Where did you get your information?"
Well, below are places on the net to start the quest.
Interesting Info on:
Buffalo Jumps: www.mysteriesofcanada.com/Alberta/buffalo_jump.htm
Ice Core Samples: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_core
North Atlantic Current: www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/news/topstory/
Who killed the electric car?: www.youtube.com/
factories. Yes,the evidence shows that there was a rise in carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere with the coming of the Industrial Age.
As stated, the earth has gone through many cycles in the past.
We are now in the beginning of one of these cycles or Earth changes.
This cycle is our "Buffalo Jump", with the one big difference.
This time in history WE are stampeding the buffalo as they thunder
over the edge of the cliff. Are we prepared for the mayhem and
carnage at the bottom ?
Someone said to me "interesting, but how do you know. Where did you get your information?"
Well, below are places on the net to start the quest.
Interesting Info on:
Buffalo Jumps: www.mysteriesofcanada.com/Alberta/buffalo_jump.htm
Ice Core Samples: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_core
North Atlantic Current: www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/news/topstory/
Who killed the electric car?: www.youtube.com/
1 comment:
dad! I love this drawing of the earth on a bicycle...really dad you should be illustrating a magazine!! Arn't there any politicaly/environmentaly progressive local magazines that could use a fantastic cartoonist like yourself???
You should try and do some research and even just email some of your pics to a local magazine and see if they would like to print them...
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