Sunday, August 19, 2007

Summer of Love

4th Ave. was rockin' this Saturday. It rained in the morning but the afternoon turned out great. Didn't see anyone I knew, either Biblically or not, :-) , but darn, people probably change in 38 years, wouldn't you say? There was a lot of bands. Listened to two songs by "Mother Tuckers Yellow Duck". Dam, did that "Duck" suck. You think a band would improve after 38 years. Oh well. But if you ever get to see (hear) "the Unknown Soldier" , don't pass it up. What a great band! If you hadn't guessed its a "Doors" cover band. God were they good. Some of the lyrics are more to the point now than then. After a long set they did four encores. (Plus we didn't have to see Jim Morrison self-destruct on stage.) Boy, but the singer nailed it!
A great afternoon --Than I went and cut a lawn and had Indian Buffet for supper.Does it get any better? Love and Peace, man. Ha!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

"Imagination is more important
than knowledge"
Albert Einstein

The OM principle

I have been thinking lately about, what I call, "The OM principle".

It works like this:
The O in OM stands for -"Observation". As my art teacher told me ,"We look but do we really see?" When with other adults or children do we observe and really listen? Do we listen to our pets? When on a walk are we mindful? When in a store or at work are we there taking in what is happening around us? Are we there? Yes, I know, I'm working on it.
But as I see it, it shouldn't be a struggle.

Than when we need an "answer" to something we don't let our brains think it out, but rather use the M in OM:
M stands for -"Meditate". We become quite, letting our brains and our bodies rest. When we are in this state of rest our mind, which is as big as the universe, can give us the answer. I've tried it it works. OM.